![]() As we mentioned, we are so very grateful that we did not have to cancel or go virtual once again. Unfortunately, the Tower of The Americas needed to withdraw as our venue due to the closed environment of the stairwell. Very quickly we had some wonderful people step up and start doing the work to find us a new venue. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to NEISD for donating to us Heroes Stadium! They truly made themselves Our Heroes for us all to still be able to join together to pay tribute to our fallen as is so important to us! It is an open-air venue and so we will be able to hold our full capacity as well! And yes, some cancellations came through and so, as promised, we will be opening up some tickets here soon! We have a limited number though so please be sure to watch for the announcement and grab one! Thank you all for your continued support. Your SA110 Committee (all volunteers) are working hard behind the scenes to pull this all together. And we look forward to seeing you very soon! 08/22/21 Press Release below: ![]()
As some of you have discovered, due to the concern for the health and safety of participants, volunteers, and our community, the Tower Of The Americas is needing to pull out as our venue for this year's SA110.
So, WE NEED YOU! We need your help to assist in holding this year's event! We are working extra hard behind the scenes to look at all options for our event this year. We are NOT cancelled. The specifics however are still up in the air. And to coordinate every aspect of this SA110 we need to see about locking some things in ASAP (as in the next 2 days if possible). So, we are reaching out to YOU, our participants and community, who have so awesomely helped pull things through for us in other ways. We are seeking a new venue which would allow for our participants to still do the tribute climb together. Looking at possibilities for very large or open-air stadiums? We held an emergency meeting this evening and a list of a few ideas was compiled (in no particular order): Alamodome Alamo Stadium Heroes Stadium Blossom Stadium Gustafson Stadium AT&T Center Freeman Coliseum Mission Stadium We are asking for your help! If any of you, or those you know, may have connections in which can help speed this along, we could use your help! Venue would need to be willing to provide space for up to 1000 participants (preferred) or even the option of reduced participation (if needed, might be our only choice, no less that 343). And provide the location at little to no charge. Nearby or on-site parking is a must as well. Please send info, point of contact and referral, or have them contact directly (as we are in a major time crunch to be able to get everything organized as needed) to [email protected] Please do not send info here to FB. And please, no "blind cold-calls" as we are already reaching out to places as such as able. We do need to lock down what our options are (full participation or partial) to know what we need to do (or mail out in time) to prepare! If we do not have at least contact with a willing venue within next few days we will need to switch plans again. We ask to please not send us any questions at this time so we can focus on what is at hand. We will announce to all via our social media and here on our website Updates page as well as by email once our plans are secured. www.sanantonio110.com Thank you for any assistance you can provide! Please share this with others to help us have full reach to our community ASAP! Thank you, YOUR San Antonio 110 9/11 Memorial Climb Hello all!
A few announcements/updates:
Per norm, Event T-shirts with this year's special edition 20th Anniversary annual design (done once again by American Fire Apparel) will be available at the event. Pricing this year (just like everything else, cost has increased) will be $25 for S-XL and $28 for 2XL/3XL. As always, PLEASE BRING CASH, if able, to speed the lines along! We will remind you closer to event day as well. Colector annual pint glasses will be available at the after-party for $10 filled with your favorite Alamo Beer and $1 off all refills. Well, that was a lot of information! We just want to get the info out to you all in as few of emails as possible. Event Day reminders will be sent out closer to event. Any other questions or inquiries please email: [email protected] (reg or participant questions) [email protected] (volunteering) [email protected] (sponsorship/contributions) [email protected] (event/afterparty involvement) We look forward to seeing you all very soon! And THANK YOU for your continued support of your San Antonio 110 9/11 Memorial Climb! Thank you, San Antonio 110 9/11 Memorial Climb [email protected] Our 2021 SA110 was 90% sold out within one day!
All spots are now gone. If you missed out, please follow on our social media sites to see if any tickets open back up. If we do have a few they will go fast! Once again American Fire Apparel knocks it out of the park with an amazing design for this year's SA110. This year's design commemorates the passing of 20 years since 9/11/2001. We are honored to work with such a great company every year and are grateful for their contribution and support!
Check out more of American Fire Apparel at: americanfireapparel.net The 2021 San Antonio 110 9/11 Memorial Climb is ON! Registration will open, per norm, on July 1st at 8:00am. Visit our "Register" page for registration link and info.
Also, we are happy to announce that we have chosen 100 Club of SA as our 2021 Beneficiary! We are honored to give back to an organization that gives so much to our brotherhood and first responder community. Find out more about 100 Club Of San Antonio, and other ways you can support them at www.100clubsa.org Stay tuned for lots of great announcements coming regarding this year's event. It is the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and we will be working hard to make this the best SA110 yet. You do not want to miss this one! Please be sure to follow us on Facebook for details and updates: www.facebook.com/sanantonio110 and on Instagram: sa110911climb Also, stay tuned for another really awesome annual design, this one 20th Anniversary one, from American Fire Apparel! Updates!
A Zoom link was recently sent out via email to all participants for interactive virtual SA110 room! Make sure you have that email and link to join us on 9/11! Please check your Event Schedule included in your packet for event day schedule of events, all available via the Zoom link provided in participant email. We suggest logging in by 0800 to ensure slot. Please do NOT share this link to non-participants as we only have a limited number of spaces available. A few media may log on at 8:10 so please do so prior. AWESOME NEWS! Come sign the 2020 Remembrance Flag, accounting for your fallen you paid tribute to! It will be available to sign at our SA911 Brotherhood Brew Bash being held once again! Yup, our afterparty will be full swing and available 11am-11pm. And as always, our super-cool annual collector's pint glass will be available! $10 filled with your favorite Alamo Beer beverage and $2 off all refills! We are having a SA110 Video Challenge! Record your 2020 SA110 tributes and the best agency video will be chosen as our 2021 lead agency! Submit by end of September if possible please. Share with us on FB or FB hashtag #2020SA110 or #SA1102020, and if want to be 100% sure we see it, send video or link to [email protected] :) We will post more info on our FB as well. Also, if your agency or group is getting together locally and would be willing for press/media to come interview you please email [email protected] with: approx number of participants, agency/business/affilliation you are representing (if so), location and time of your tribute, and a contact person and phone number. Thank you all and we will "see" you very soon! Thank you in advance for your tribute and your truth in promise to never forget! So much to update! For all updates and details follow us on FB for the most up-to-minute info and details.
First off, thank you to all who registered and stayed true to their promise to NEVER FORGET" and also supported your San Antonio 110! We GREATLY appreciate it! Registration for the 2020 SA110 is now closed. T-shirts are currently being printed and we plan to mail them out to all participants in the upcoming week. As well as everything you need to pay tribute with us. Please make sure your mailing address is correct in your Active registration as that is where we will be mailing all packets. Included in your packet will be the tribute tag of one of our fallen as well. Registered first responders will get the tags first. Then, as we didn't get quite enough to allow for all tributes to be paid by corresponding professions, the remaining tags will be distributed to EMS personnel, Military, and Civilians in order of registration date/time for precedence (at no extra charge). So don't be surprised if you get a tag even though not registered for it. We appreciate your help to ensure all of our fallen are paid tribute to! Keep an eye out for an email coming soon to all participants which will include a link to join us on 9/11 in a virtual Zoom room we are paying for everyone to join in together in. We will also be "broadcasting" all of the ceremonial aspects of the event there as well including, but not limited to, bagpipes, the national anthem, opening prayer, "last call" dispatch, and all of the bell tolls for our moments of silence/remembrance, corresponding with the timeline of 9/11/2001 events. Please, just as you would at the event, pause at these bell tolls for a moment of silence. Firefighters may activate their pass devices (distress alarms) after a pause of silence at these designated times (only). In the participant packets being mailed to you will be a bell toll card to assist you to remember these times. Also will be a tag and lanyard (for those receiving such), your annual T-shirt(s), and also a card with all of the tribute challenge options. There are FIVE different tribute challenges to choose from. Done with or without professional gear. Of course if you need to modify one of these challenges or have one of your own you would like to do, please feel free to. The point is, as always, to push yourself to ensure you pay a good tough tribute. And some of these options provided will definitely ensure you do just that! Remember, none of these challenges are done "for time" as pausing for moments of silence is required. We also want to thank those sponsors who stuck with us this year! 1000 Club of San Antonio and BCFS Emergency Management both returned as Gold Level sponsors and Columbia Southern University upped their contribution this year to a Silver! We thank you all for continuing to support your San Antonio 110 9/11 Memorial Climb! We have loved hearing on FB all the different ways you are finding to join together to pay tribute. SAFD ha arranged for their guys and gals to participate at their training academy. And Uvalde area participants are joining together at a local stadium to climb. Converse FD is doing the same! It's so cool to see so many finding ways to join together in camaraderie to do this. We also will be announcing a "video challenge" for all FD agencies. Submit your video by email ([email protected]) or on FB of your 2020 virtual SA110 and the best video will be our 2021 lead agency! We may also be setting up Crowdrise fundraisers for all of you who are interested. Again, we appreciate your continued support during these unprecedented times. We also uploaded to this website our most recent Patch List of patches we have for our patch board. If your agency is not listed and you would like to send us your patch please email [email protected] for mailing address to do so. Also, YES, our annual 2020 SA110 collector's pint glass WILL be available as well! We will keep everyone updated via FB and email regarding the details to get one. Alamo Beer, awesome as they are, will be offering these glasses starting 9/11/20 (filled with your favorite Alamo Beer of course) at their Alamo Beer location here in San Antonio through the rest of September, or until all sold. We will update on our FB page and via email once they sell out as well. Make sure your email is set to receive all of our emails (and not going to spam) for important info including your personal link to join us on Zoom on 9/11! Once again, be sure to follow us on FB for lots of updates and details to make this year's SA110 still great! ![]()
We will still be opening registration July 1st. However, due to these very unprecedented times, and the safety protocols put in place, our 2020 event will be a virtual event this year. We will be providing MULTIPLE options for you to still accomplish your memorial tribute to our fallen. And all participation packets will be mailed to you directly. We will be including our annual tribute tags and lanyards in each packet so you may still honor one of the fallen. Also, your (super-cool) annual SA110 shirt, once again designed by American Fire Apparel, will also be INCLUDED in your registration! Along with an option to purchase one additional shirt per registration as well, shipping included. We will have two options available for registration, our tribute tag options (343 FF, 70 LEO, and 9 EMS) as well as "no tag" option for Military and Civilian. Registered participants will also receive invites to be able to join virtually with all of us and our interactive tribute event on 9/11. We understand this may be a disappointment to many. However, unlike many other memorial events, we believe in you and our cause and are choosing to not cancel our event in its entirety and are working hard to bring you a new kind of event which EVERYONE can now join in on this year (and get one of our highly sought collector designer shirts as well). No matter the times and circumstances, we made a PROMISE to NEVER FORGET. Please join us in keeping true to this promise. Organizations such as ours need your support now more than ever so as to sustain for future years. Please join us in keeping true to our promise that no matter the circumstances we will never forget our fallen and will honor and pay tribute to them across the country. And support your SA110 so we may continue to be here for our brotherhood in future years. Registration opens as normal, along with our traditional annual "race for registration", on July 1st at 8:00am. As norm, go to the Registration page for the link to do so. Stay tuned here and on our Updates page here as well as we roll out more info. And PLEASE feel free to contact us with ideas and suggestions on how to make this the best memorial event we can for you! Send your suggestions to our participant director at [email protected] We THANK YOU for your continued support of YOUR San Antonio 110 9/11 Memorial Climb and for staying true to our promise to NEVER FORGET. |
September 2024