Please note!:
Registration closes 8/31! If you havent yet, sign up soon!We are unsure yet whether we will allow any walk-in registrations this year! If we do it will be first come first serve for the remaining spots and late registration will be $35. We have top notch security this year for top notch safety for all our attendees! ALL participants AND GUESTS will need their check-in bracelets to be able to enter the grounds! So make sure you sign up soon! Hotel discount once again for Hilton Palacio Del Rio. $120/night. Call 210-222-1400 and use our group code SA911. Discount ends soon. Looking for LEO and Military volunteers for our security team! Email [email protected] Big Afterparty Bash being held this year at Alamo Beer Brewery! Once registered keep an eye out in your email for more details! Fundraising is now open as well! Kudos and super cool points along with a shout out and special Thank You package once again for top fundraisers! Keep up to date on
September 2024